about us : XSALTA DEfinition
We are often asked, "what does Xsalta mean?" We have had a lot of fun with this over the years but the honest answer is:
When developing our company name, we were looking for a word that embodied the essence of upward movement, jumping off and taking things to a new level. No one word seemed to fit the bill so we made one up by combining the words exalt and salta.
exalt - verb (used with object)
- to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc.; elevate: He was exalted
- to stimulate, as the imagination: The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.
- to intensify, as a color: complementary colors exalt each other.
saltar - intransitive verb (Language: Spanish)
- to jump, to leap
- to bounce
- to come off, to pop out